Saturday, January 9, 2010

The right day

We finally have a date for the catheterization—January 29—which is much later than we were initially told it would be. But God is faithful to answer the prayers of His people who desire His will, so this is apparently the "right day" that we've been praying about. It's also on a Friday, which works out great for Angy's work schedule.

Things sure don't always happen when we want them to or how we think they should, and that's a good thing since our knowledge is severely limited.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8–9)
Thank God for His "yes's," His "no's," and His "not yet's"!

It's been a struggle for Angy and Darrell because of two doctor offices not communicating well with each other. Even after it was decided that Dr. Petit would do a catheterization, the surgery coordinator in Dr. Fraser's office continued to handle Jackson's case. Assuming the open heart surgery was still happening, she sent Jackson to an ENT doctor to determine whether he has sleep apnea. That doctor said Jackson must undergo a sleep study and possibly have his tonsils or adenoids removed first. (The catheterization date looked like it was slipping precariously far away.)

Then the coordinator said Jackson also required a dental exam before he could be cleared for surgery. The dentist found a cavity, which he said could be filled at the same time of the tonsillectomy should one be required. So now we were at least down to two surgeries instead of three. (Jackson's dental work has to be performed under anesthesia.)

Afterward, Angy discovered that the surgery coordinator didn't know about the decision to do a catheterization, and she had Jackson's case turned over to Dr. Petit's coordinator. Dr. Petit doesn't require approvals by the ENT doctor or the dentist since a catheterization doesn't take as long or require as strong an anesthesia, so the surgery was finally scheduled. (The other stuff can be taken care of later.)

We were told in early November that Jackson's condition was life threatening, that he required surgery as soon as possible, and that it would definitely be before the Christmas holidays. Now here we are with it scheduled at the end of January. The waiting hasn't always been easy and the delays have been frustrating. But when I reflect on our sovereign Lord—who is faithful, compassionate, and wise—all that melts away.

Cheryl, a dear sister-in-Christ, reminded me at church last Sunday about God's perfect timing. (Yes, I know about it, but I need constant reminders!) She said that God is carefully putting everything and everyone in place for Jackson's surgery, and that when she prays for the right people to have the right part in his care, she's reminded of the tabernacle in the wilderness. God chose all the right people to build each item of the tabernacle and furnishings. Each worker was the most qualified for their particular task.

No detail is too small for God. He doesn't miss a thing. He is perfect in all of His ways and remains in absolute control. I sometimes think of Him as our heavenly Maestro, directing the symphony of our lives. When we play the instrument He gave us according to His direction, everything's in tune.

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