Thursday, October 7, 2010

A big dip in the road

Jackson was admitted to Texas Children's Hospital yesterday. A few nights ago, he said, "Hospital." Angy asked him if he wanted to go and he said, "Yeah." He must have known something was wrong.

His blood pressure has been dangerously high the past few days. Last night's reading was 234 over 111. Angy said that after nurses and others take his BP, they usually go whisper out in the hall, and someone today kept retaking it before concluding that the machine must be broken. It seems none of the staff at Texas Children's can believe Jackson's BP is so high and he hasn't had a stroke. What we can believe is that our omnipotent, merciful God holds Jackson's life in His hands.

Jackson had a CT angioplasty today so the doctors can try to determine what's going on. The initial reading was that one of his stents has a stenosis (it's closing up), that his heart has gotten bigger because it's working so hard, and that there might be other problems as well.

Because of Jackson's high BP, they were afraid to give him the usual anesthesia to keep him still for the procedure, so he had to be forcibly held down. And he's had no food or drink all day as of late this afternoon because they don't know whether he could be sent to surgery at any moment. I sure hope he's had something by now.

Angy said that Jackson has been handling things well, that he just keeps asking to go to Walmart. On the way to the hospital in the morning, I'll definitely be stopping by Walmart to get him two bottles of body spray (he always insists on getting a minimum of two at a time).

I'll be at the hospital the next four days, assuming Jackson will be there at least that long. So I'll be away from my computer and will write an update when I'm back. You know what to do in the meantime.
Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving. (Colossians 4:2)

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